Organize all your pictures on all your disks effortlessly. Its not necessary to move files or create any folders just drop a disk (your hard disk icon), folder or file on the iView icon or drag a disk, folder or file into iView's open window. iView will process all the pictures (up to 8000 per catalog) in whatever was dragged in and show them in the Catalog view like this:
Later if you want to add new images to your catalog you don't need to go thru and find them just drop the disk on iView and it will go thru and find the new images and add them to the catalog.
Also you can use images from the scrapbook in iView. Just drag items in the scrapbook to a folder then drag the folder on to iView. This is useful because iView allows you to do so much more then the scrapbook.
Images can be viewed by many tags like name, size, type, location, comments, keywords, dimensions, resolution and various dates, in a sortable list. Control click where it says Size or Type and you'll get a drop down menu of tags that can be turned on and off or turn them on via the Edit Menu and the menu item List Tags. Your catalog can be sorted in the Info view by clicking on one of the tags. Try clicking on the Size tag to sort by size.
iView has many points of view. Click on the folder tabs Info (to see the text view), thumbnail (as icons) and images (full window sized).
To mark an item hold down the command key and click on it and it will display an underline. Marked items can be acted on by using the 'Marked Files Toolbox' in the Marks menu. Marked files can be
deleted, lauched in the creating application, the folder where they reside opened, saved to a new catalog, appended to an existing catalog, and the original images moved or copied to a new folder.
In the iView window, you can click on one of the 4 buttons under the image counter to reveal the selected folder, launch a file with its application or remove it from the list (this does not delete the file only a reference to it).
Press the "View" button or double-click on an image to start a slide show. You can pause the slide show by clicking the mouse once. Use the escape key or double click the mouse to exit. The slide show always hilites the last image viewed so you can restart the show from where you left it by simply pressing the return key. Try holding down the caps lock key to zoom the slide show to full screen this works even while paused. Also the zoom slider bar at the bottom of the slide show allows you to zoom way in on any image.
Catalogs can contain whatever images you choose. To save this catalog go to the File menu and down to 'Save list as...' then 'iView catalog'. Using catalogs allows you to have a variety of sets of images to fit your needs. You can replay lists even if the images are missing (the hard disk or CD is not online), as iView stores the image preview in its catalog.  
<-Catalog icons look like this on the desktop. They can be opened by double clicking them.
You can also save your catalogs as QuickTime‚Ñ¢ movie files for playback using Apple's Movie Player.
Important: you can also make slide shows for playback from CD-ROM.
Simply create catalogs of the images you want to playback, and burn the catalog, along with the images (your artwork) and a copy of iView onto the CD-ROM.
NOTE: iView catalogs contain full pathnames, therefore the folder structure of your catalogs must be maintained for CD-ROM playback.
Files can be found and marked using the filter box. Below is a picture showing the filter box dialog and the various choices
The filter box is a great way to track files based on various criteria. Your own keywords and comments can be tagged to an image by selecting it and using the tag tool seen at the very left